Camera Ready

The deadline for submitting the final version of your paper is November 15, 2024 . To complete submission, you must send a final bundle to

The final bundle must be named, where paper-id is the ID assigned to your paper on EasyChair. It should include:

  • All the source files and a PDF version of the final submission.
  • A scanned image file of a completed and signed copyright form.
  • A copy of the registration confirmation(or receipt) for full author registration.

The email must have the subject line “CSoNet paper-id” (without quotes) or it may not be processed.

Guidelines for Preparing the Final Version

  • Please revise your paper to take into account the comments/concerns that the reviewers might have made. The reviews have been sent to you in the acceptance notification email.
  • The proceedings of CSoNet 2024 will be published in Springer LNCS. Please carefully read Springer’s preparation instructions.
  • Each accepted paper is limited to 12 pages; including all figures, appendices, and references. There is a charge of 100USD per extra page beyond this, up to a maximum of 14 pages.
  • Each accepted short paper is limited to 9 pages; including all figures, appendices, and references. No additional pages are allowed beyond this. There is a charge of 100USD per extra page beyond this, up to a maximum of 11 pages.
  • Each accepted extended abstract is limited to 2 pages. No additional pages are allowed beyond this.

The copyright form should be filled out, signed, and included in your final submission along with your source materials. Do not alter the “Conference Name” or “Volume Editors Names” fields!